I don't think there should be any laws concerning these scams. If people get scammed, thats there fault. If we give the FDA more control(its already bad enough) the end result will probably be that we wish we never had. Even though your not getting scamed anymore, You will no longer to buy and use the supplements how you please. Also, there's always gonna be scams, no matter what, unless if maybe the gov't had dictorship control and killed all scammers, but still probably there would be some. They will probably end up abusing the power too. In my opinion, all we need them for is to protect us from contamination, we probably don't even need them at all. Who is gonna continue to buy from a company after they hear there products are contaimented, they could probably just take it to court. They already do that anyway.
I probably am not seeing the whole picture, so please make any comments, I might change my stance.