Day #21-26 (again, too many damn days to post):
Ok, it has been too many days again since my last update, but this week really sucked as far as training due to late night work getting in the way. Tuesday night I was called into work on a water main break from 10:30 PM to 4:30 AM, where at that time I just kept working into the next work day, and then Wednesday night…just as I was just falling asleep…I get called into work again for a tree down blocking the roadway, so worked again from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM…then came home and slept for 4 hours before getting up and going back to work on Thursday for my normal 10 hour shift…so there was a total of 3 days that I did not make it to the gym due to lack of sleep and exhaustion…sucked, but such is life! We will just call it recovery day’s lol!!!
My weight as of today is up at 223.5, I have been doing my damndest to keep on the IF plan, but there was a couple of days where I broke fast early due to working in the middle of the night and needing energy to work. Other than that, I have been really enjoying the IF, and I will keep on it to drop more BF.
I want to touch base on the SARMs a bit, as the S-4 visions sides really came into play the nights I was working…kind of scary to tell you the truth. I was driving into work on both of those nights, and everything was yellow…headlights, streetlights, blotches of darkness from looking into the lights…but after I got to work and started working they subsided, but man trippy is an understatement…I wonder what it is that the S-4 makes your eyesight like that…as far as the MK-2866, I think I may be putting on some lean mass as I am dropping body fat…hard to say, but I am leaning out nicely and getting some vascularity in places I haven’t seen in a while. So here were my few workouts for the week, including todays…
Monday (Day #21) Back/Cardio:
Lat Pulldown: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/15/12/10/8) reps), 120/140/180/200/220 lbs
Incline Bench DB Rows: 4 sets (10/10/8/8), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Trap Bar Dedz: 4 sets (10 reps), 225/315/365/405 lbs
One Arm Cable Rows: 4 sets (12/10/10/8), 150/180/210/220 lbs
Pullups: 4 sets (6-8 reps) back was burning after this…
Roman Chair Extentions: 4 sets (15 reps) last 2 sets w/45 lb plate
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 10%
Tuesday (Day #22) Chest/Cardio:
Push-ups: 4 sets, (20 reps) warm up chest, get blood into muscle
Pec Deck Flyes: 4 sets, (12/12/10/10 reps) 130/145/160/175 lbs
Smith Machine Incline Press: 4 sets, (12/10/8/6 reps), 135/185/225/245 lbs
Hammer Strength Flat press: 4 sets, (10 reps), 180/230/270/290 lbs
Exercise Ball DB Flyes: 4 sets, (12 reps), 35/40/45/50 lbs.
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 10%
Wednesday (Day #23) OFF…working
Thursday (Day #24) OFF…sleeping, only 4 hours sleep in 2 days
Friday (Day #25) OFF…exhausted, hit snooze until too late lol!
Saturday (Day #26) Shoulders/Triceps/Cardio:
Smith Machine Military Press: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8 reps), 135/185/225/225/225…drop to 135 for set of 12
Seated DB Side Laterals: 4 sets (15/12/10/8), 30/35/40/45 lbs
BB Front Raises: 4 sets (10 reps), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Rear Delts High Cable Crossovers: 4 sets, (10 reps), 30/35/40/45 lbs
Tricep Pushdowns: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8), 100/130/160/180/200 lbs
Smith Machine Reverse Grip Press: 4 sets, (12/10/8/8 reps), 135/185/205/225 lbs
One Arm DB Overhead Extentions: 2 sets, (15 reps), 35/40 lbs
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 8%
So this is my update, and I am drinking 10 grams of BCAAs right now, and won’t have my first meal until noon today. This next week will be much better as I am not on any call for work, so shouldn’t be disturbed at nights…so this next week I am going to hit it hard as I can!
Ok, it has been too many days again since my last update, but this week really sucked as far as training due to late night work getting in the way. Tuesday night I was called into work on a water main break from 10:30 PM to 4:30 AM, where at that time I just kept working into the next work day, and then Wednesday night…just as I was just falling asleep…I get called into work again for a tree down blocking the roadway, so worked again from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM…then came home and slept for 4 hours before getting up and going back to work on Thursday for my normal 10 hour shift…so there was a total of 3 days that I did not make it to the gym due to lack of sleep and exhaustion…sucked, but such is life! We will just call it recovery day’s lol!!!
My weight as of today is up at 223.5, I have been doing my damndest to keep on the IF plan, but there was a couple of days where I broke fast early due to working in the middle of the night and needing energy to work. Other than that, I have been really enjoying the IF, and I will keep on it to drop more BF.
I want to touch base on the SARMs a bit, as the S-4 visions sides really came into play the nights I was working…kind of scary to tell you the truth. I was driving into work on both of those nights, and everything was yellow…headlights, streetlights, blotches of darkness from looking into the lights…but after I got to work and started working they subsided, but man trippy is an understatement…I wonder what it is that the S-4 makes your eyesight like that…as far as the MK-2866, I think I may be putting on some lean mass as I am dropping body fat…hard to say, but I am leaning out nicely and getting some vascularity in places I haven’t seen in a while. So here were my few workouts for the week, including todays…
Monday (Day #21) Back/Cardio:
Lat Pulldown: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/15/12/10/8) reps), 120/140/180/200/220 lbs
Incline Bench DB Rows: 4 sets (10/10/8/8), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Trap Bar Dedz: 4 sets (10 reps), 225/315/365/405 lbs
One Arm Cable Rows: 4 sets (12/10/10/8), 150/180/210/220 lbs
Pullups: 4 sets (6-8 reps) back was burning after this…
Roman Chair Extentions: 4 sets (15 reps) last 2 sets w/45 lb plate
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 10%
Tuesday (Day #22) Chest/Cardio:
Push-ups: 4 sets, (20 reps) warm up chest, get blood into muscle
Pec Deck Flyes: 4 sets, (12/12/10/10 reps) 130/145/160/175 lbs
Smith Machine Incline Press: 4 sets, (12/10/8/6 reps), 135/185/225/245 lbs
Hammer Strength Flat press: 4 sets, (10 reps), 180/230/270/290 lbs
Exercise Ball DB Flyes: 4 sets, (12 reps), 35/40/45/50 lbs.
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 10%
Wednesday (Day #23) OFF…working
Thursday (Day #24) OFF…sleeping, only 4 hours sleep in 2 days
Friday (Day #25) OFF…exhausted, hit snooze until too late lol!
Saturday (Day #26) Shoulders/Triceps/Cardio:
Smith Machine Military Press: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8 reps), 135/185/225/225/225…drop to 135 for set of 12
Seated DB Side Laterals: 4 sets (15/12/10/8), 30/35/40/45 lbs
BB Front Raises: 4 sets (10 reps), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Rear Delts High Cable Crossovers: 4 sets, (10 reps), 30/35/40/45 lbs
Tricep Pushdowns: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8), 100/130/160/180/200 lbs
Smith Machine Reverse Grip Press: 4 sets, (12/10/8/8 reps), 135/185/205/225 lbs
One Arm DB Overhead Extentions: 2 sets, (15 reps), 35/40 lbs
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 8%
So this is my update, and I am drinking 10 grams of BCAAs right now, and won’t have my first meal until noon today. This next week will be much better as I am not on any call for work, so shouldn’t be disturbed at nights…so this next week I am going to hit it hard as I can!