That is the MULE ... #755 lbs benchpress and one of the highest quality human beings you will ever meet . If you have a question he is the one who can answer it . He coached me from a 425# bench in january to a 500# bench in may. Our team breaks down to something like this:
Metal Militia / Nazareth Barbell
Jen Burkey 120 230
Mike Kukns 132 350
lew Einfalt 181 475
Deb Ames 181 230
Deb Ames 191 235
Paul Bauer 220 475
Bobby Fields 220 650
Hal Wilson 220 450
Bobby Fields 242 720
Ryan DeFalco 242 510
Brian Ulrich 275 500
Bob Obrian 275 405
Sebastian Burns 275 725
Bill Crawford 275 765
Steve Castone 308 610
Bill Crawford 308 785
Stan Martin SHWT 655
Mike Miller SHWT 755