I think the whole idea of "toning" a muscle is misunderstood in the same way that people think that doing abs might reduce the Fat on their stomachs.
Now, maybe i dont know what Tone means, but when i think of it, i think of refining the shape of the muscle, and bringing out definition. Now, definition, i believe has very little to do with the muscle and a lOT more to do with the fat covering it. I would say that weight lifting in general does not have anything to do with fat burning since it is an anerobic workout which can't burn fat [at the time of the exercise]. However, if you do rather light weight and you never raise your oxygen intake above its threshold, then you will be doing more of an aerobic workout, which will indeed reduce fat and bring out muscle definition and sepperation.
As far as shape go, i think this is largely genetic, but perhaps can be somewhat modifies by using various angles and range of motion in the exercise.
So personally, when someone says they do high reps for muscle toning, i think its a load of crap. I would say, Lift to get big, and then eat clean to get lean.