endpoint said:
once a week?
what was a sprinting session like?
do you still do it now?
Well - basicly all I did was after warming up
5x30m sprints with 2-3min rest between - just walking around
then I did some agility intervals
basicly 50m of drills - not at full speed - same rest periods
45 degree zig-zag runs
jog with side step to each side every 2 steps.
zig-zag runs with 360 pivot at the end of each zig and zg
dogding imaginary opponents
killer cardio - I was breathing hard and heavy
total time 45 mins including warmups, cooldown and stretching!
I also drank a lot of water daily that helps.
lost an inch of my waist in a month. Wasn't really dieting either, but I had frequent meals. Bodyweight stayed the same becuase I was gaining muscle at the same time.
I then stopped it soon after - no longer doing it, but I will be going back to it shortly to lean up.
really improved my wind and recovery in the gym too.
you don't need to go flat out in the sprints all the time. If I felt down I only went 75%