sgtslaughter said:Not that I'm aware of.
Gluc-R (R-ALA) slows insulin response to carbs.
Thermorexin' is a fat burner with stimulants in it coffee:, ect.)
I did a search for it and saw this in a FAQ for T-Rex....
"What kind of diet should I use when on Thermorexin?
ANY. Though a moderate to high carbohydrate diet, in conjunction with Glucorell R supplementation, is HIGHLY recommended. Glucorell R has made low carb and keto diets pretty much obsolete. One of the main benefits of Thermorexin use is the appetite suppression which makes not eating as much, the main failing of most diets, considerably easier."
Maybe not the same as you are speaking of....all though I also found this....
Glucorell R™ contains the most exciting supplement ever allowed into the United States. It's been used in Germany as a glucose uptake enhancer to help prevent and treat diabetes for over 20 years. Now you can use it to help you prevent carbohydrates from making you fat by disposing of them like you did when you were a child. Only doctors doing research were able to buy this supplement. Until now.
Glucose is what your body makes out of the carbohydrates you eat. Then your insulin shuttles that glucose around your body to the cells to use as food. Glucorell R™ makes your muscle cells accept several times more glucose than you do now. By causing the muscle cells to take up so much more glucose you are preventing it from going to the fat cells. That way you are helping to make your muscles stronger while preventing all that glucose from going to your fat cells. When your fat cells get the glucose it makes you fat and over time may eventually cause insulin resistance, leading to adult onset diabetes.
"Glucorell R™, taken before carb meals, insures those carbs are disposed of properly into your muscles helping you to maintain healthy low insulin levels, which is a powerful aid in preventing you from getting fat or insulin resistant."