Yea I agree, It just seems everytime someone comes up with a diet/mental alertness drug it ends up being the same old analog of speed. I have no moral issue, I just think people with addictive type personalities should be aware of the potential for abuse. In my dead head days, we played around with many legal and illicit analogs that were supposedly safe. It was the same old deal though, people just took more to get the feeling they had from amphetimines. I never really had a problem as I have always been very disciplined, but friends of mine, intelligent ones, ruined that part of there lives. Im kind of jaded to those kind of drugs. I got interested in Provigil, because an old friend of mine in his forties, who is a lawyer, but was a coke head in the day, told me he found a drug that gets him amped without the sides. I thought, Oh shit, here we go. Anyways, Im all for personal freedom, It's just my opinion that this drug will be abused like the rest. Perhaps people with discipline can use it to there advantage. sorrry about the rant......