Hey girl! First off, I think you're in a great position for 12 weeks out. Looks like youve got some nice quad shape and already no spots that look like they are where fat likes to accumulate (ughh. like my lower back). The comments I'm gonna hit you with are my critiques in terms of things you will need to accomplish to really give the other girls a run for their money. And also these comments are based on the pictures you've shown, so the angle of the photo may not be showing the points I'm making or the points I'm making are due to the angle of the photo and may not be true.
If possible, can you post your photos (and progress photos!) showing the mandatory quarter turn poses? That will help show where you really are and how it will present on stage. I can't really draw any conclusions from the first & last photos you posted. Also the side chest pose is not a required figure pose so doesn't get you much.
From the middle pic it looks like you have a small shoulder to hip ratio - i.e. your shoudlers are smaller than your hips. It sort of looks like your torso is sort of "boy shaped" - your abs shape will come out nicely, but your waist might appear to be thick relative to your smaller shoulders. Therefore I'd say work the shit out of your shoulders to develop a nice delt cap & some width. That is a common issue for many women so don't sweat it too much, but it will be to your advantage to do that if you continue in figure.
To help guide you on 'how you should look', working with the body shape that you have, you might look thru some of the pro figure show photos online and find someone who has a similar body shape & then model yourself after that person - see what additional features that person has that allow them to compete at the pro level & just keep working towards that. Sometimes it takes a few competitoin prep cycles to accomplish those changes.
Another thing that just tends to be an issue with women is bicep / tricep development. Obviously you don't want to develop cannonball biceps, but the lack of that muscle development also seperates those who were able to lean down enough to compete vs those who have the muscle base as well.
Sorry dont' mean to be picky, but if you are new to competition, there is a particular silhouete / shape that they are looking for and I'm pointing out the things that you need to either reshape or make appear to look reshaped if you continue to compete. Sometimes these things take years to do - you are starting with what God gave you so don't feel llike I'm being mean
Also for your suits, make sure you get a cut that helps to better to create the illusion of a smaller waist so you are looking at more of a "Y" shape better between your shoulders & waist. Anything u can do to create the illusion of wider shoulders , narrower waist will help. And continue to develop your shoulders.