Here's what I suggest:
Divide your training into 2 four week phases.
PHASE A: Adaptation/Conditioning
PHASE B: Peaking/Max Strength
Phase A would look like Stephen Korte's 3X3, but modified for bodybuilding (unless you are a powerlifter):
3 days a week, M-W-F, S-M-W, T-Th-S, or whatever - you do every single lift.
Bench, Squats, Deadlifts, Barbell Rows, Chinups, Dips, Presses, Curls
Split your workout into a 2-a-day, either that, or cut off everything after barbell rows.
Do the same weight every day for whatever particular week you're on, then add weight for the next week. An ideal way for a BB is like so:
WEEK 1 -
60% of your 1RM (core lifts)
WEEK 2 -
63% of your 1RM
WEEK 3 -
66% of your 1RM
WEEK 4 -
70% of your 1RM
Now, by core lifts I mean the first four. Of course, you will be doing 5X5 for everything, and here's the damn kicker . . .
Take NO MORE than 90 seconds rest between sets TOPS. The first two weeks it should be barely over 60 seconds of rest. This incredible training density wil cause growth like a mother. Like I said, the stretch marks are incredible.
Now, once you are finished with your conditioning phase, your MxS phase is ready to begin. I recommend jumping up to 80% of your 1RM to start with, 5X5, but now you will use a split routine. Keep all the old lifts, but split them. One possible way is:
MON - Bench, Squat, Press, Dips
WED - Deadlift, Row, Chinups, Curls
FRI - Bench, Squat, Press, Dips
MON - Deadlift, Row, Chinups, Curls
WED - Bench, Squat, Press, Dips
FRI - Deadlift, Row, Chinups, Curls
And so on.
Now, after each workout, if you make 5X5 with that given weight, add between 5 and 20 lbs. the next week (5 and 10 for bench and rows, 10 and 20 for squats and deads, this is a general rule and is subject to exceptions).
Some weeks your increase may only allow one solid set of 5, or 5 solid sets of 3. This is not a problem. The trick is to KEEP that weight the next time, and KEEP using the same weight until you make 5X5 with it. If the weight was WAY to heavy, take a few pounds off the next workout. It's no problem. Just make sure to do ALL FIVE SETS.
At the end of 4 weeks, you can either keep going with strength/peaking or you can jump right back into conditioning. Taking a week off wouldn't hurt, either, but because of the light weights used in conditioning, it is not absolutely necessary.
Hope that helped. If you want me to give you excel spreadsheets which calculate the poundages, e-mail me. Good liftin'!