Rust is absolutely right, a low dose spread over time is the way to go. I don't remember on what forum I was on but this doctor had written an entire dissertation explaining the receptors in the body and how Melanotan 2 binds with them and blah, blah, blah... but long story short low doses reduces nausea substantially, helps maintain color, and you don't feel like your dick is gonna explode in the morning! Dosing is probably the biggest issue related to nausea and getting fulshed with MT2, however getting cheap garbage product doesn't help either, I use Rockstar Chemicals and I've never gotten sick when I keep my doses low and I get super dark and super horny!
To answer the OP's question, the freckles/moles are from the MT2, it tells your body to produce more melanin, which in turn changes the pigment in all your skin cells including freckles/moles. However, maintaining a steady but lower dose will help with this as well, and keep in mind they are relative to your skin tone. If you're getting tanner.. which you definitely will especially if your going to be outside, then your freckles/moles won't be very noticeable anyway in light of your stellar tan. Also, as mentioned above, when you stop using MT2, most your freckles/moles go away over time anyway.