Remember boys and girls, don't use condoms. They are dangerous and they prevent the birth of unwanted and potentially stupid poor beatnick low-level criminals. They also block you from joyous sexually transmitted diseases. Oh...... How joyous!!! I sing STD!!!
When an ugly man wants to fuck you bareback, you don't be the devil and turn your front on 'im. Throw 'im on top and satisfy his desires.
I'm pretty stoned but I could have sworn I just wrote a beautiful poem and it magically rhymed in a regular fashion with no apparent effort. I'm also too stoned to really check. Yep. Not gonna do that sheeit.
Do you ever wonder if Nathan is faking it when he writes his "high" threads? WELL, I can verify right now, he is not faking it. In fact, the world is a giant spectral spinning around. Weed has not been this hallucinogenic before because my fingers think the keyboard is rotating and my brain believes it in the hillbilly parts (of my brain) (yes, hillbillies in my fucking brain, ignore introspection and analogies completely, you motherfucking fool you deserve to DIE!!!), affecting all of my thoughts but not my core truthometer (yes, a truthometer, an electronic meter of believability using AI algorithms. haven't you been to 2009. Number 9............. Number 9................... Number 9................................. Ahhhhhhh I'm sick of that song. It's purposeful climax turns out to be one of those screws that doesn't allow you to cum because she's so freaky lookin'. In fact, I hate it when that happens. She steals all the fun, probably pisses gleefully on the bed, and then she suddenly says, "ow, It hurts!

" and magically gets as dry as sand in about 5 seconds. Bitch. I thought girls were supposed to be capable of indefinite orgasms, including length potentially for a lifetime. Wow. Lifetime orgasm. Can I join that study??? I don't like having to WORK for my orgasm. It should be served to me in a platinum platter, with icy cold tongs for my amusement. Searing hot when requested.
BOOOOOYQQQQHHHHHHH.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Aren't I a fuckin' GENIUS? My mind indicates that I am. I don't really care what any non-existant readers think, unless they agree with me.
Fuck, I am about 40 minutes late to meet my stupid hot girlfriend and there is a guy there macking on her. I gotta jet yo GGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Outty!!!