Oh nice, i gotcha. yea im waiting to take my SAT's in March 2010, thats the earliest they got an opening for. im trying to go away to a 4 year college, hate living witht the parents. im suprised you stay so lean eating cold cuts and bread. i gotta stick with plain brown rice and plain chiccken breast with mrs dash, basically everrythin i eat is bland when i diet, kinda like pre contest dieting. '
You know what you gotta try, pb and honey, right now, thats one of my meals, 2 scoops of muscle milk with 2 cups of whole milk, and 3 pb and honey sandwiches. and the honey is better for you then jelly (jelly ha high fructose corn syrup). that shit is da bomb bro.
so how many meals you eat a day? and you eat around the same time every day right?