no, not every one is john wayne. however, i doubt someone would have much of a problem using one if told to line up against a wall with 20 other people and watching them all get executed.
you don't have to be john wayne to value self-preservation.
quote..."Also, it's good to know how much people care about you, people you might not even think would think of you, they do, I've already gotten calls or IM's from people I haven't seen in years. It's a bad day here, I hope you're all doing better and can try to apply the things I'm saying about the importance of people to your thinking. I had a friend commit suicide last spring, and it hit me really hard, probably even harder than this, but the lessons I had taken from that had already started leaking out of my mind. One last note, a local bar is having all-day happy hour, I hope that bar burns to the ground for trying to capitalize on this tragedy."