dayna4u2nv said:
opps how could i forget that ...
Obiwan how come when I make my own it always seems more runny then the kind I get at a greek resturant? What could i be doing wrong?
simple solution is to sit it in a coffee fiter for a few hours but the truth is:
k first off they do not use regular yoghurt
the stuff they use is called pressed yoghurt
you can make you own by putting your yoghurt in a coffee filter then into a strainer over a bowl in the refrig overnight
and as for the cukes, grate them, salt them then sit them in a colander for 20 minutes
1 750 ml plain yoghurt, set in a coffe filter to drain over night *
1 english cucumber, washed, grated and salted left to drain
2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tsp white vinegar
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
when every thing is prepared combine and let sit at least 20 minutes
*(lo fat or full fat does not matter i use bulgarian.......check the labels they are not thickening yoghurt and sour cream with modified corn start...bulgarian tends to be unadulterated)