To tell the truth, i do occasionally smoke little bit. On the weekends i do smmoke more. Weekdays i dont really smoke at all unless i cant sleep at all or i just need to relax. I dont think it really affects my routines. As long as i dont smoke before a workout or smoke in the day couple of hours before a work out i feel fine, i wouldnt think about smoking if i had to work out. If you can controll your "munchies" if you are cutting. If you are buling then maybe the "mucnhes" can be good if you are eating the right foods while munching. I mean comon! ARNOLD WAS SMOKING A J-Bird in pumping iron and look at him! lol.
Im not saying smoke all the time, but little joint, blunt, bowl or however you smoke once in a while shouldnt hurt. But hye remember everyone is different.