CONGRATS GIRL!!! I'm so envious, that is my goal... one day.
Tell us about your experience?!?! I mean how did you get involved, or selected, and I want details, danggit!!!!
You are such a goob with the "i knew her when". Thank you sooooo much for the encouraging words.
Thank you ALL!! Soooo much. You know I truly appreciate it.
To answer some of the questions....the editor of the magazine had contacted me to submit some of my pictures for their publication. Initially it was for their "Most Aspiring Model of 06" category. Much MUCH to my surprise (they left me in the dark about it) they plugged me on the back cover and in the center as the sexiest female model of 06. So that was a huge awesome surprise.
As for the shoots themselves....I worked with two different photographers. Had MUA for each. The lighting, makeup, etc is all up to the photog's and mua's. Definitely not my forte.
You ladies are all too Slat! Thank you so much for the awesome words of encouragement.