30yrs old, been lifting steady for the past five years, 5'11" 200 10%bf off cycle.
First was test e only (500/w 8 wks)
Second was test e (500/w 10wks) plus some winny at the end
Finished my third cycle three or so months ago,
-test p w1-12 100eod
-tren a w6-10 75eod (tried on week two but had to back off, see below)
-Ran Caber for 2 weeks after tren and Clomid and a few OTC (foma stanzol, trim, ZMA, etc.) products for PCT.
Got great results while on but had a problem when I introduced tren. Got what I believe was prolactin related gyno, caused nipples to leak when squeezed. Got off tren, hit caber, got it under control, and re-introduced tren without a problem.
I always run blood work before and after cycles. Before I started the last one my estrogen was a little on the low side but everything else was good. I did not take an AI when I started the last cycle because estro was low before starting, my mistake. After cycle was over my test was through the roof (1500 plus) but other than that everything was pretty much in the expected range. I had the prog and prolactin checked due to the tren gyno and they were in range.
Now, 3 months later I have a lump (I would say the size of a bb) under my left nipple. Nothing really under the right but both do feel a little tender at times. Bigger issue, I was trying to gauge the size of the lump and feel for tenderness and a little liquid came out again. Similar to what I seen when I had introduced tren.
I scheduled an appointment to get blood work done and I will go tomorrow.
Questions I have are as follows:
1. What blood test should I run? (planned on standard hormone panel plus lipids, prolactin, and progesterone)
2. How long should I wait before starting my next cycle (Have a feeling blood work will dictate that. I was planning to start test, tren, mast in 3 weeks)
3. What should I get on to combat this (Have clomid, caber, Aromasin, and Letro on hand. I've been told no Nolva because last time my gyno as prog/prolactin related which Nolva can effect negatively.
4. Chances this lump will go away?
30yrs old, been lifting steady for the past five years, 5'11" 200 10%bf off cycle.
First was test e only (500/w 8 wks)
Second was test e (500/w 10wks) plus some winny at the end
Finished my third cycle three or so months ago,
-test p w1-12 100eod
-tren a w6-10 75eod (tried on week two but had to back off, see below)
-Ran Caber for 2 weeks after tren and Clomid and a few OTC (foma stanzol, trim, ZMA, etc.) products for PCT.
Got great results while on but had a problem when I introduced tren. Got what I believe was prolactin related gyno, caused nipples to leak when squeezed. Got off tren, hit caber, got it under control, and re-introduced tren without a problem.
I always run blood work before and after cycles. Before I started the last one my estrogen was a little on the low side but everything else was good. I did not take an AI when I started the last cycle because estro was low before starting, my mistake. After cycle was over my test was through the roof (1500 plus) but other than that everything was pretty much in the expected range. I had the prog and prolactin checked due to the tren gyno and they were in range.
Now, 3 months later I have a lump (I would say the size of a bb) under my left nipple. Nothing really under the right but both do feel a little tender at times. Bigger issue, I was trying to gauge the size of the lump and feel for tenderness and a little liquid came out again. Similar to what I seen when I had introduced tren.
I scheduled an appointment to get blood work done and I will go tomorrow.
Questions I have are as follows:
1. What blood test should I run? (planned on standard hormone panel plus lipids, prolactin, and progesterone)
2. How long should I wait before starting my next cycle (Have a feeling blood work will dictate that. I was planning to start test, tren, mast in 3 weeks)
3. What should I get on to combat this (Have clomid, caber, Aromasin, and Letro on hand. I've been told no Nolva because last time my gyno as prog/prolactin related which Nolva can effect negatively.
4. Chances this lump will go away?