They sux at both just like you. And lol @ a fresh off the boat, piece of immigrant shit talking about somebody fucking their sister, everbody fucks your sister and your mother. How you think you got to stay here cock suxer? Eat a dick and DIE bitch.
i wouldn't say productive, but don't b e surprised if you see him catch a jump-ball TD in the end zone. i just need him to get me like 8-10 points at best to stay competitive
the good thing about braylon going to the jets is he already knows the system a good bit, and cotchery is going to either not play or at least be limited.
LOL @ slum dog Cuban cock suxer talking about someone's educational status. Man get for real. Why don't you just tell me your sorry for all the nasty shit you have said to me and let's be friends.LOLOLOLOL
LOL @ slum dog Cuban cock suxer talking about someone's educational status. Man get for real. Why don't you just tell me your sorry for all the nasty shit you have said to me and let's be friends.LOLOLOLOL