Yesterday I trained shoulders with hamstrings. Today I trained abs, back and finished with sled pushes. Being training really hard and the sled pushes always done me in today. I was on the floor shaking barely able to breathe but it felt good
The last few days I have ate pretty much clean and the difference is big. Most whole meals tend to be chicken or beef with sweetcorn and broccoli (some with rice instead). Liquid meals are fruit smoothies with mainly pineapple, berries, banana and grapefruits used. I will carry this on for the next few months.
I started using a GDA again. I have had them awhile but took 2 pre training today. Then 15 mins later I had a smoothie with pineapple, banana, lemon and whey protein. I had another 15 mins before my post workout meal of steak, sweetcorn, tomatoes and broccoli.
LR3 was dosed at 100mcg in each lat pre workout. My intra shake was 25g BCAA's and 75g HBCD's. I probably looked the best I have ever looked post workout in the mirror in the gym. I look like a different person post workout. From the added test to the LR3, GDA and intra nutrition the muscle fullness is amazing.
Although everything will be having an effect I can safely state it is the LR3 having the most effect (by far). I am on 750mg test now but have taken that many times over the years. I have done 1.5g test once before and the muscle fullness I get on this cycle I have never encountered before. Starting to get veins all over my body too. Gonna just stay in routine and see where that takes me.
I have about 1 days supply left of LR3 and after my pre bed dose PEG MGF too. I will carry on as normal but will lower carbs slightly over time. I will lower my intra shake carbs from 75G to 50G once I finish the peptides.
I wanted to post updated pics but my photographer has gone back to Switzerland and I am all alone
I took a few selfies last night but they didn't come out at all. I will get some updated pics up fast though.