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Stockblockers - Political Intelligence - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 02/15/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
props to 60 minutes for running this first. But why isn't this splashed all over every single god damn news media outlet? Why is Jon Stewart is the only guy other than 60 minutes who really picks up and runs with shit like this?
While i'm utterly disgusted with both dems and reps for taking part in this, why are the republicans stonewalling the efforts to cut down on this? It would seem a "perfect" issue for them to take up and run with cause they're always bitching about the ineffectiveness and general incompetence of the govt....even though they're half the problem but i digress, lols.
The corruption going on in washington is breathtaking. We honestly need to take a good hard look at dissolving the union if this is how the Federal govt is going to work. Withdraw from the world and rebuild something we can actually hold up to the rest of teh world as some sort of general template for how to get shit done "RIGHT". Right now...this is bullshit. Top to bottom this doesn't work. Not govt, not our free market...nothin works. There has to be a restructuring of almost our entire society so that this kind of BS can never surface again.
Yeah, I'm sure they'll just blow everything up and start over.
I enjoy reading rants like these while you can't comprehend the simple idea of downsizing government.