Yes, awesome stuff. Try it with black beans (warmed), or oranges - peeled all apart, or even peas.
Only problem with it is that it has more carbs than most protein sources + the lactose can be an issue for some ppl. Since I KNOW how sensitive my body is to sugar, I cut down on natural sugars in my diet (fructose & lactose) when cutting.
hmmmm wonder what I can substitute instead.... beans have lots of carbs as well as protein. So I guess they are out. Trouble is, large quantities of chicken/meat make me wanna barf unless they are in small pieces in mucho sauce (italian, indian and chinese food....mmmm...). I am not in the habit of eating slabs of meat other than steak now and then and when I have to (visiting gran for instance or xmas turkey) I find it hard going. Maybe I am just going to have to get used to all that chicken or more tuna.... any ideas folks? I am keen to avoid anything "artificial" like protein powders, would prefer to get nutrition from real food if possible.
I am neither veggie nor phobic of red meat BTW, just don't eat that much of it.
hmmmm wonder what I can substitute instead.... beans have lots of carbs as well as protein. So I guess they are out. Trouble is, large quantities of chicken/meat make me wanna barf
I perfectly understand, any type of meat or fish is not my food of choice either.
Where are you coming from diet-wise? If you are eating like the typical American, than cottage cheese & black beans along with a salad or some sort of veggies for lunch will be a HUGE improvement!!!!
What is and is not 'cutting' food is somewhat unique for everyone. There are ppl who get pretty lean with eating plenty of dairy. I would get your diet as clean as possible while still eating 'clean' & healthy (close to nature) foods that you like - & then once fat loss is stalled, start to get more strict (eliminating or reducing lactose & fructose). You don't need to torture yourself.
Anything hi GI post workout is good to replace glycogen stores.
Trouble is, large quantities of chicken/meat make me wanna barf unless they are in small pieces in mucho sauce (italian, indian and chinese food....mmmm...). I am not in the habit of eating slabs of meat other than steak now and then and when I have to (visiting gran for instance or xmas turkey)
you will have to learn to get over taste, and just put the numbers in the pie hole. I detest some of the things I eat, and sometimes I don't feel like having a certain what.
SOMETIMES you DO just have to stuff the pie hole. Sometimes you can find other things you like. Sometimes when I can't stand the thought of tuna, I'll have a shake instead.
It is a toss up. I certainly don't believe you should eat TONS of things you despise---- I don't know that anyone could keep that up long term. It's human nature to avoid things we find unpleasant & seek out those things we enjoy. YES, we DO chose to eat what is GOOD for us & not just what is enjoyable.. but again, it's a toss up.
If we didn't care about taste AT ALL, we wouldn't bother to put cinnamon in our oatmeal, we wouldn't mix balsamic vinegar with our flax oil on salad....etc. You chose where you want to be on the continiuum between eating nasty food that's good for you & eating stuff you enjoy.
There are a LOT of things you can do to make food enjoyable or other food options you can chose that you do like & I really think you should try those options before "stuffing the piehole" with things you hate. Call me crazy.
btw- I loathe tuna! But willing to try the new pouches I hear they are less stinky and do not taste like cat food. Bought one last night so we shall see.
The amount of carbs will vary from brand to brand with cottage cheese. There is a local brand that is low fat with nothing added to it that I eat. Each 1/2 cup serving has 1.5g fat, 3g carb, 17g pro and only 50mg of sodium! Good stuff. It's called Friendship Dairy, or something along those lines.
I've seen some lowfat brands with over 10g of carbs per 1/2 cup serving. That adds up fast.