You might consider a different approach on the carbs - use a carb rotation schedule. But further instead of just removing both the carbs & the calories assoicated w/ them, replace the same amount of cals of carbs removed w/ the same amount of cals in fats. E.g.
Day 1: 200 g carbs
Day 2: 100 g carbs - but replace the equal amount of cals of carbs w/ fats -- try to group it by meals - say if you have 2 meals w/ 5 oz potato, then remove the potatos from the 2 meals and replace w/ 2 tbsp of flax seed oil per meal - you'd have to check the total cals -but whatever amount of flax oil or almonds in cals = same amount of potato being replaced.
Day 3: 0-50 g carb -- -depends on how extreme you want to go - but just knock the total complex carb intake way down so your body is forced to search for stored fat sources to burn for energy, since it takes a few days for it to realize that its not gettign the regular amount of carbs it is used to (e.g. 200 g/day). So it won't slow down yet.
Day 4 = Day 1, repeat.
Or if you are really aggressive, go Day 4 = Day 3, then Day 5 = Day 1.
Get it? This way you are leveraging your body's short-term metabolism response to carbs and taking advantage of the fact that it takes a day or two for your metabolism to adjust down to a smaller than expected intake of carbs so it will look around for stored energy sources to burn. Then just before your metabolism starts to slow down in response to the carb intake,. you jump it back up, aka REFEED and restart the short term metabolic manipulation again. Also by replace the pulled carb calories w/ fat calories, you are only manipulating your macro ratios and not your total cals so you are less prone to notice the deficit.
This is how I've cut down to around 7% bf for competitions. Works great. You may have to experiment a little to get a carb cycle schedule that works for you - you will feel the lack of carbs on Day 3 - maybe get tired, cranky, etc. but you refeed right away to help keep that to a minimum. YOu won't be low carbing long enough to go into ketosis and really feel exhausted.
HEre are a couple threads w/ some carb cycling discussion:
BLah, can't find any others right now, but hit me up if you have questions about it. If your lifting is suffering a lot from cutting, then try a different approach. If you are cutting to the point of compeittion prep, then yes, expect your strength to be impacted, but if you aren't on that tight of a schedule, then it shouldn't and doesn't have to.