well lets hear what your typical days food is like. and don't post up a good day either. we all know people will say they eat clean when they really eat bad
Second - steroids are relatively safe but you need to run a full PCT afterwards to restore natural testosterone production and that gets very expensive.
There are much better options you can take that will increase fat loss with no need of a PCT and way less side effects.
The nicest thing about cardarine and sr9009 is that they are not stimulants or hormones so they won't effect sleep, raise cortisol levels or anything like that. It'll cause a huge boost in fat loss with no side effects.
I would stack the cardarine/sr9009 with a good nutrient partitioning supplement like n2slin from n2bm.com. This will increase insulin muscle sensitivity and help shuttle the food you eat into muscle cells and away from fat cells.
The key importance is to limit your carb and fat intake, and spike up the protein.
Also, the total calorie count matters a lot.
My suggestion would be to start off with a diet like you said, and only after few months of intense dieting and handling it pretty well - turn to PEDs.