OMG, she's me! She reminds me of me at the beginning of my EF entry. I still often forget where I am b/c it's so different from my real life nicey nicey reality. Though it's not in an EF context it is ONLINE and she's taking you way too seriously. She can't believe people like you exist so she can't resist the challenge and is trying to convince you/change you/argue with you. And I can't for a minute think you can't hear her sarcasm/humour and instead you're playing it like she's 100% serious and therefor 100% nuts. *sigh* She has noooo idea who she's dealing with. She has no idea you know exactly how to push her buttons until she does go crazy (online). Poor thing.
What *I* still can't believe is that EF folks won't belive ME when I say I have RARELY dealt with people who communicate like EF folks do in real life. You think I live under a rock. No, it's just a nice town. Or maybe you know OF COURSE people don't communicate like this in real life, but you let me believe that I'm the only one and the joke is back on me. AAAAAH! That's how this stuff makes serious people crazy! The rule online I finally figured out is: Eventually whether beginning, middle, or end- It's all a joke at some point so never take anything entirely too seriously for too long online.
Hopefully she will eventually get it and not let it scare her or tarnish her faith in humanity. Yep, I said that at one point in time. This is all a show and she doesn't know she's now center stage. Don't have too much fun now.
Me- I'll bring some crazy back. Maybe I want on that 2010 awards list for most annoying. I'll take most forgettable too though. : )