Daisy_Girl (shocking, huh?)
Phatchik (I wanna hear my name called in a Southern accent)
Pamela (ya gotta dig her)
would make up the 'A' list. The B list shall remain nameless. I'll take my real gal over any of them, to be honest.
lestat - for the record i think two of those girls on your list have shown what their faces look like.
ceeb, raina and seashell are both very makeable outtable with, as is velvett's neck, but since i have no clue what her face looks like then i can't say for sure.
natglutes natglutes natglutes. and tnheygirl. all hotties who have put up face pics. i'd say vixenbabe but that would be incest, but she knows the deal.
and lastly i'd like fonz to make sweet love to me. in the butt.