Mar 16
Back/Bis day. Down a few pounds this morning (even before my morning shit and piss ) My weight has been fluctuating between 230 and 235 since the cycle started though I notice a great deal of change in my frame as a whole and my vascularity. I firmly believe this is from simultaneous fat loss/muscle growth, even on a slight cal surpluss some days (I have been eating at maintenance most days). I took a 12.5mg dose of aromasin last night and ill continue it EOD to control estro related sides I've experienced such as minor bloat and possibly itchy nips, though this could easily be my paranoia from past battles with minor gyno. Nothing serious, just a precaution. Balls are hanging low still (pictures available per request)
Back/Bis day. Down a few pounds this morning (even before my morning shit and piss ) My weight has been fluctuating between 230 and 235 since the cycle started though I notice a great deal of change in my frame as a whole and my vascularity. I firmly believe this is from simultaneous fat loss/muscle growth, even on a slight cal surpluss some days (I have been eating at maintenance most days). I took a 12.5mg dose of aromasin last night and ill continue it EOD to control estro related sides I've experienced such as minor bloat and possibly itchy nips, though this could easily be my paranoia from past battles with minor gyno. Nothing serious, just a precaution. Balls are hanging low still (pictures available per request)