Woody woodpecker. eh?
Well, perhaps, though I don't have red hair or even a beak!
I was going to send you some pics, Nat... but you seem more interested in looking at pics of buff girl, though in no way can I fault that logic
And I will take your word that Stacie is legit... and if for some odd reason, she wasnt, it doesnt have any impact on me.. I was making more of a general observation... though I should tell you, I could easily edit one of my photos to make it look like I was holding an Elite sign... that Photoshop does wonders
Seriously, I love checking out all you buff girls in the flesh, and even though I rarely post here, I do skim through the posts on occasion (I am a long time Elite follower, about 2 years now)
P.S. Nat, can you leave me your abs in your will? It would be terrible to waste something so beautiful