Bigdawg1468 said:
This is usually left up to Scrappy or a few others but I will take my turn at this one.
I have seen pumpgirls photos before on the net in a amateur site she has.
Now is it really you or you posting someone elses pics.
When I get home from work I will find out where the pics came from.
She is for real. I know its hard to believe because her pictures are so nice, and shes very attractive, but it is. I too was skeptical, until she posted a pic where she was holding an "elite" sign. Just a little heads up
Thanks for the compliment Celt! And the invitation
MuscleFattie---yes, I guess I'm getting a little more frisky, but I have always been like that, just doing it in a different way!
tom_jumper--Unlike Calico, I'm not that brave to do a full frontal, but maybe in the future! (calico, I didn't tell you that you look awesome!)
Onenameleft--Thanks!! I actually took those pictures about a month ago, and my body has changed even more from then, very exciting! But I don't have my cam with me right now to take more.
Buffalo Joe--Your so sweet, thanks
DEI--Havn't watched the Wonder Years in such a long time. That show was awesome! But what does, jejeje mean?