1 legged leg press 5 x12-20
front squats 4 x15
hack squats 4 x10-25 25 first set 20 second 15 third 10 the 4th
walking lunges
leg extentions heavy 5 x 12-15
If he's a beginner, I would not recommend heavy leg extensions since they can easily lead to knee injury. Keep them in the program but I would switch to high rep/low weight instead.
1 legged leg press 5 x12-20
front squats 4 x15
hack squats 4 x10-25 25 first set 20 second 15 third 10 the 4th
walking lunges
leg extentions heavy 5 x 12-15
I keep my leg workout pretty simple and every time i do it my legs get super sore.
I start with leg press
8 sets and work my way up in weight starting with 2 plates on each side for 20 reps then I add 2 more per side each set. and do 15,12,10,8,6,4, and a burnout
then I switch every other workout with either 4 sets of squat or 4 set of heavy lunges
and end with 4 sets of a leg curl/ extension superset
and 3 sets of a quick calf tri-set to end the workout
My legs have increased in strength and size tremendously and you could get it done in about 45mins or less.
I built some awesome calves skipping rope. For my quads I'll warm up with some sprints then do walking 20 Lb. DB lunges in the garage. High rep squats too.
Squat daily. Front squat one day to max. Then next day back squat to max. Then every other day. Stiff leg dead lifts. This is weightlifter style not bodybuilding. Atg all reps.