Actually you shouldn't let me dictate on what you SHOULD be doing, since your goals may be different than what mine are. YOu don't look that fat in the public's eye, but perhaps in the standard's of other people's expectations (bodybuilders, etc) it may be then time to diet down.
What I like to do is do mass (for like 3 months) and cutting phases (1 month of light DNP) (I do use cutting drugs like DNP, don't use any juice though) and basically the total outcome comes out gains of 15-25 lbs of pure muscle for every cycle or 2 without gaining fat (no, this is not glycogen Im speaking of, and if you ever done a DNP cycle, and know how to properly rebound back, then you can experience some hefty gains in muscle). Then around January I'll do a month or two of heavy DNP usage, get cut, and try to maintain that till the summer time or perhaps go on another massing cycle. Basically, I like to be shredded come around June-July, then repeat the whole proccess once again.
My goal by next June is to hit 200-210 at 5 or less percent bodyfat. Not bad considering I was about in the 180's with 20-25% bodyfat and skinny arms.
Basically, my goal is somewhat long term, in that Im striving to peak out nicely in one year.