lol. fuck I am not sure if I want to go down this memory lane, it could be a long one.
I nailed this 40 year old a few times that was probably a solid 160 or so, lots of muscle though, not flab. GREAT fucking tits man, huge and perfectly shaped, nice nipples. She tanned so her body looked decent for the weight. Had 3 kids. Loved anal!
I had a one stop pop with a really short gal that was probably 150 and pretty nasty in general. Definitely stench wafted from her ass when she bent over doggy, I lost my wood, had to stroke myself a bit to get it up again, tried NOT to look at her ass. Big wide open ass that looked like it had an areola of shit stains around it. She liked anal too but I wasn't about to go there.
I banged this other girl that worked at the pretzel shop in the mall in high school. She had to have been 180, probably the biggest, I mean big dude. Fuck, she didn't smell pleasant either and I really wondered if my cock ever hit paydirt down in those rolls or what. One time I was fucking her, bam bam bam until I cum. I pull out and the condom is a little fudgy. I'm like WTF? And she says "i've never had anyone fuck my ass before" and I like oh jesus. All I could think about was that I was packing in a turd or something the entire time. Women gotta prepare for that shit you can't just stuff it in the filthy hole like that.
I can't think of any other big ones. I generally date pretty slim or petite women. Its just what I'm attracted to. I've tried some pretty average body times, but it just doesn't wow me or get me going like a nice tight bod goes. I usually don't get chicks with huge tits because the petite ones have As and B. I think I sometimes bang a big one just to have a chance to titty fuck.