What does everyone think of these. I have heard some say great for developing the quads. While I've heard others say, nothing good about them. what do you all think?
it's kind of a yes and no answer,i like to do them to warm my knees up for squats,but alot of people say it brings nice muscle seperation in your min quad and above your knee.
I've never got much from them, and as they are an isolation exercise, I tend to avoid them.If I want to focus on my quads, I like to use single-leg squats or lunges.
However, it depends on your goals. I would probably tend to minimize their importance in my leg routine if I was more of a hardgainer. One of the quadriceps main funtion (besides causing flexion at the hip joint) is to cause extension at the knee joint.
Just do 'em slowly and controlled...no jerky movements. They are kinda like tricep pushdowns...they create a lot of torque on the joint facilitating the action so they are prime for injury.
They are a good exercise but are no substitue for squats.
When i do legs, i do the leg extensions to warm up before i do squats. Although i find that leg extensions kill my knees. I always try to go heavier than the last week. so right now im up to my max (as of last leg workout) 160lbs but it affects my knees for a few days. Squats are the "king" leg workout . Tonight is a leg workout for me
Damn SG22 160 on a leg extension, shit I'd to have you kick me in the ass. Anyway, that brings up an interesting point. I asked a doctor frined of mine about this. He felt as long as you had no pain when and none after doing them they are alrgith. Whats everyone's take on that?