Well, I was born in south america, i came here, i love this country more than any other country in the world and live in So Florida...so I know very well how latin woman are.....There are so many different types of latin women...different ethnias, different cultures, different ways of thinking...depending if they are from the sputh or from the center, or the caribbean. Probably you guys know only the type of girl that came from northern south america and from the caribbean...like cubans, dominica, puerto rican, venezolan, colombian, and of course the classic mexicans...hehe. The caribbean girl is very funny, very horny, they are amazing dancing, they are very crazy. It seems like they are a mix from spanish and native. That is what give them that brown skin with nice boobies and nice butts. The exception is for cubans. In Cuba, like here in America, the native tribus where almost extermined by spanish. They used black people from Africa to do the hard work. So now, Cubans are almost all of them descendents from Spanish and some of them are mixed with black (mulato) and of course some of them are black. In Brazil, Portugueses did the same. They extermined the native tribus and used black people to do the work. Brazilian girls are extremely beautuful!!!...well at least for me...they are generally blondes, blue eyes, with a very special skin color due to the weather..(tropic like Miami or ever hotter) their skins are like golden naturally. There are brunettes, mulatas (black with whites) and black women. Brazilian girl is very patriot, they have a special and unique culture in south america, they love their country. That's why you don't see so many brazilian girls here. In Argentina, the colonization was made by Italians and some Spanish too...Argentinian women are very beautiful too but with a very difficult character. They are blonde, or brunettes. There aren't too much black people in Argentina, so the mix of white with black and white with native almost doesn't exist. In Chile, black people does not exist at all. Chile was colonized by Spanish, the mixed almost all of them with native so most of them are "mestizo" (mix from spanish and native). British people builded that country too...french and germans too but they are the minimum. SOme of them mixed with native but most of them not. So in Chile there a big difference between the white girls and the mestizo girls. They have a special culture due to their geography. Chile in the north border has the "Atacama desert", by the south it has the south pole, by the west the pacific ocean and from the east The Andes mountains...a big bounce of enormous mountains from the south to the north even til Ecuador. The other countries where colonized mainly by Spanish and they mixed with natives.
Speaking in general, it seems like latin girls in their countries are very inhibited, very shy, they live always worried thinking about what other people says about them depending on what they do and with who. But when they come here, the realize that they can be theirselves and all that social problems doesn't exist anymore....so I think that's why they look crazy than other girls. Of course they cook, they clean and everything because in all South America the education in the families is very conservative. The man has to go out and work hard and the woman has to be in the house maintaining the house. That has going changing with time but anyways the traditions are there.
Now it is completelly different a latin girl born in America...That girls keep the body from their ancestors but mentally it is almost a complete American...She adopt american traditions, and still keep some of the traditions learned in her house.
If somebody is from any south american country and think that i have some errors on my knowledge i apologize for that and please correct me. I was born in Chile, very very south America. My father was from a long history of Spanish farmers. They were some of the few Spanish that didn't mixed with native in Southern Chile. They used to have big terrains, they worked the land using native people for the hard work. They paid them for that. My mother was decendent from a Croatian and an Italian. My grand pa went from Yugoslavia to Chile after the second world war as a diplomatic. He stayed there and founded the "Yugoslavian school" in northern Chile. And my grand ma was decendent from a big Italian family. So I'm a complete Hybrid..
I'm sorry for my English....still working on that. Finally, I have to say that I love America with all my heart. This is the freedom that my ancestors where looking for but couldn't made it in those countries....