LeviathanX said:I disagree again. Fatiguing your muscles is a common myth (like supersets) that people follow thinking it'll build stronger muscles. The fact of the matter is that it is overload (not fatigue) that makes your muscles grow. Therefore, I'd warm-up, do a few weight acclimation sets, and then do 2-3 sets at 4-6 reps. Then move on to another exercise.
If you don't believe me, try it sometime. I think you'll find you get better results if you focus on putting all your efforts into the main sets, rather than saving some for the fatigue sets.
i think max-ot has you brainwashed, your words sound like the exact table of contents for the max-ot program over at ast-ss.com, i though the 4-6 reps range looked good and intense, but i only got to chapter 4 and realized alot of things i disagree with. first all they do is keep repeating overload, overload, max-ot maximizes...., max-ot maximizes...they say ppl that buy flaxseed oil it is pointless and a waste of money (i can show you the quote if u dotn remember reading that), they dont use any lactic acid buildup to advantage ever which would allow maximus stress of all muscle fibers if they did sometimes, they say burnouts are pointless and muscle memory (sounded like a bunch of bs to me) sounded pretty lame to me, the list goes on and on. i mean you should make some opinions for yourself b/c you are stating the exact same things that they teach and if you just rely on those principles your never gonna know if you could be getting better results. do u really think fatigue is pointless for the muscle? i think it can be pretty beneficial.