BIKINIMOM said:Ummm because it is an animal.
Is the animal being penetrated or did the animal do the penetrating?
Not saying that it isn't sick and depraved for THE HUMAN but what should be done for the dog... you know, the one who humps everybody's leg anyway?
My sister has a miniature dachshund that LOVES to push his little peepee out when he sees me and hump my arm. So now, was he raping me or was I raping him with my arm?
Come on, this whole thing sounds ludicrous.
The humans were sick, no doubt. But the dogs being "raped", especially when they were penetrating the human?
You have GOT to be kidding me.
LOL, yes he was raping you and your husband should shoot it, because it will never learn its lesson. Just kidding, stop raping little dogs with your arm!