I train back/bi's, chest/tri's, day off, quads/hams/calves, shoulders/traps, day off, repeat. I do about 20 sets per workout. For back and chest I do about 11 sets, for bi's and tri's I do about 9 sets, for quads I do about 8 sets, fro hams about 6, and for calves about 6, for shoulders I do 14 or so and for traps about 6 (though some shoulder exercises also work traps). My exercise routines look like:
BACK: wide-grip pullups (4 sets), deadlifts (4 sets) - started doing 'em about a month or two ago,one-armed rows (3 sets) OR T-bar rows (3 sets) OR sometimes I'll do some machine exercise instead (3 sets)
CHEST: flat, incline, or decline barbell (or dumbell) bench (2X 3-4 sets), flat or incline or decline flyes (3-4 sets)
BI'S: standing, seated, or seated incline dumbell curls (3 sets), barbell curls (3 sets), concentration curls (3 sets) OR preacher curls (3 sets)
TRI'S: skullcrushers (3 sets), pressdowns (3 sets), one-arm overhead extensions (3 sets), on occasion I substitute one of these with dips, close-grip bench, two-hand overhead extensions or something else
QUADS: free weigh squats (4 sets), leg presses (4 sets), sometimes I do leg extensions (4 sets)
HAMS: stiff-legged deads (3 sets), lying leg curls (3 sets OR seated leg curls (3 sets)
CALVES: donkey calf raises (3 sets), standing calf raises (3 sets) OR seated calf raises (3 sets)
SHOULDERS: dumbell presses (4 sets), standing barbell presses (4 sets) OR military presses (4 sets), lateral raises (3 sets) OR bent over raises (3 sets) OR front raises (3 sets)
TRAPS: dumbell shrugs (3 sets), barbell shrugs (3 sets) - just started doing 'em OR upright rows (3 sets)
Sometimes I throw in something different that I haven't mentioned but that's usually about what I do. Leg day is the worst - my legs always sting like a bitch for days afterwards.