i see a lot of the BBaller's (big ballers) doing 1/3 and 1/4 squats
the coaches tell me they should just use the same ROM they use for they're jumpshots and doing deepsquats doesn't carry over to well.
since you never go down that deep onthe court.
who am i to argue?
You're R Crusher, that's who!
Man, NEVER put your own thinking down simply because someone else is an "expert." Experts make MISTAKES, bro...and I hate to be nasty, but most of the coaches I've met aren't the brightest guys in the world anyway.
Arguments have
nothing to do with who is saying them. In philosophy, that's considered a major fallacy. Arguments stand on their own; if someone's
really an expert, they can back their shit up with plenty of reasoning. Relying simply on their titles to impress is the sign of a has-been.
Whoever these coaches are, the truth is they're flat-out
stupid to say deep squats don't "carry over well" for BB players. That's probably some myth they heard and just believed because they're gullible.
In jumping, by FAR the most important muscle is the strongest one, and that's the gluteus maximus. Concentrating on quads (which are all short ROM squats really do) to try and improve jumping power is like doing close-grips with your thumbs 2" apart to improve your pec size and strength as fast as possible. It's great for the tris, but FAR from what's best for the pecs.