I am 44, 6'3, 230 and 18-20% BF. I am about to begin a beast/transderm cycle. I eat super clean, I do a lot of mobility work, I think my lifting form is strict and safe, having been lifting for years.
But yesterday after my box squats, hack squats and bulgarians I feel sharp pain above and just inside my left patella.
I took some alleve, am already on 10ml of fish oil and glucosamine daily. What else can I do to actively recover? I will be bummed if I have to lay off deads and squats.
I was thinking of starting 12 weeks of SL5x5 but that involves squats 3/week.
But yesterday after my box squats, hack squats and bulgarians I feel sharp pain above and just inside my left patella.
I took some alleve, am already on 10ml of fish oil and glucosamine daily. What else can I do to actively recover? I will be bummed if I have to lay off deads and squats.
I was thinking of starting 12 weeks of SL5x5 but that involves squats 3/week.