Hey dude if Barry, I dotn even know his first name Brent or whatever didnt hit his one and only shot this season you guys would be sittin pretty and youve actually been playing better ball... I noticed how hot you got when you played the Lakeshow late in the season and I was like whoa they improved! I dotn really care how far the my squad goes as long as I see either Dallas or Sactown in the finals and such Ill be happy that it's not San Antonio. Oh and by the way the year we stole games from you with Horry's shot, you were a better team and basically out played us fortunately playoff's are all about momentum and we took it with that. I was SCARED as hell during those days man, almost had a heart attack playin you guys, big shot after shot from Bibby and CWebb and Vlade played fuckin good for you then! Well holla back let me know how it went.