I honestly can't say I'm sorry in the slightest. I'll agree with MM on one point, animals aren't meant to be put in cages/tanks for the bemusement of the feckless miscriant species known as the human being. The whole argument about "education and raising awareness" is utter horseshit meant to divert from the real reason we keep animals on display......"MONEY". If nobody gave a fuck about seeing a dolphin flip up in the air or a whale splash the crowd with it's tail.....how many animals would be kept in captivity in this world? Yeah, hardly any. THe only thing you accomplished by taking your kid to seaworld is to amuse the little one for an afternoon. That very night he/she is wondering where their next fix is coming from, probably already playing video games until mommy and daddy figure out their next parental manuever. Any kid that actually is taken with the animals and wants to be, say a marine biologist, quickly comes to despise the notion of caging these animals anyway.
THe only interaction that was supposed to happen between wild animals and humans is A)we kill them cause they came to close to us and/or B) we killed them for food.