1. Stay away from salts which can cause hypertension, thus putting a greater load on the kidneys.
2. Keep lower levels of potassium since any excess is excreted by the kidneys.
3. Stay away from high phosphate foods which excess has to be excreted by kidneys.
4. Keep a protein rich diet (low protein can cause fluid retention and the body's ability to fight infections). Please note: high protein levels can spillover and be excreted through the kidney's, so stay at RDA values.
5. Vitamins B & C are great supplements at RDA values. Iron levels could drop, so an iron supplement is valuable.
One of the main functions of the kidney is to balance fluid in the body and with kidney failure, the commonest problem is being able to get rid of excess water. Excess water in the body is called fluid overload. It causes high blood pressure and may eventually contribute to heart disease.
Stay away from canned foods (unless rinsed) since they carry higher sodium content. All unprocessed meats, poultry, and fish are acceptable. All fresh and frozen vegetables, all fruits and juices, and well-rinsed canned vegetables are suitable.
Cola drinks are also high in phosphorous, but soft drinks that are light colored (7-Up and Sprite, club soda) are fine.
Hope this helps! Karma is always welcome! Good luck to you and your mother!
Cardiac Perfusionist
Vascular Specialist