Yes, you'll never know unless you try. I never did adapt to a cyclical ketogenic diet, even after 6 dedicated weeks of trying. It was the worst I've ever felt, and I had some serious rebound/craving problems coming off of it. YMMV.
However, ketone excretion, as measured by urine strips, is not an accurate way to tell if you've acheived ketosis or not. If you've got your diet and water intake correct, you really shouldn't be pissing out concentrated should be burning them for energy instead. High protein intakes will also inhibit ketosis.
But be warned if you DO try keto, that the first week or two usually feels horrible for most folks.
Guys, in general, seem to adapt better than women. There are some possible biochemical differences that may explain this, such as women can enter ketosis much more quickly and deeply than men thanks to their hormones, but are also more likely to experience rebound hyperglycemia/insulin resistance during any carb-up period (thanks again to hormones). I Imagine AAS would modify this to some extent, and if you go on a straight keto diet (eg Atkin's/epileptic) without carb-ups, it may not make a big difference in the long run which gender you are.