i think the morale and motivation on this board is the best i've seen. i used to visit the anabolic board and a few others but since i started reading and posting here, haven't left this one at all. all positive and not all the damn flaming. keep the board up.
Seriously. My main motivation staying in the iron game comes from all you fuckers, and all the success/failures you all experience in and outside of the gym. There's great comraderie here. Is it any wonder why I'm on here every day?
That got me thinking. How 'bout varying degrees of karma? Or varying karma? Like "save for a rainy day" karma; "time to have a beer" karma or "a beer with your name" karma; "thinking of you" karma; "slap on the ass" karma; "you da bomb" karma or a "big fat kiss" karma? Even a "that's a big ass tire you're flipping, B fold" karma.
I'd probably use the "beer" karma the most
See what happens when the boyfriend's away? I think way too much.
Oh, but seriously, B fold: since I'm rather new to this board, I'm getting use to the karma thing. I'll be sure to heed your words and send a few out. I'll just go "karma mad"!