I've notice that I ether have to keep my carbs high while I diet in order not to lose muscle, or have correct carb ups during my dieting. As of right now, I'm doing a 2-3 day low carb with one day high carb. Its working nicely, and I have not lost any muscle as of yet. And for once I'm cutting WITHOUT counting calories, which has always been standard for me. I do around 150 grams of carbs from fiber One cereal, milk, and the sauses I use on my meats and cheeses. A lot of meat and cheeses, eggs, protien shakes. If I really feel like shit, I'll have a piece of fruit, no problem. Carb up is a good 500 grams of carbs or so, I dont count to much. Just try to spread them out over the day, and have a pm heavy weight workout, awsome pumps! Try it out. You'll get a hunger spike from the carbs on the carb up day, so I sugest using some Ephdra/Caffine or even phen to help you calm down and not overdue it.