yes Fonz actually helped with the formula of ratios
Fonz eloquently described the differences via this statment:
"You'd need 100g L-glutamine to get about 2.5g to your bloodstream.(After passing through the GI Tract)(Efficiency = 2.5%)
Then, you'd only need about 6-9g of the peptide version, to get
2-3g to your bloodstream.(After passing through the GI Tract)(Efficiency = 33%)
Thats an improvement of (1/40): (1/3) = 13.3:1
Thats an improvement of 1333% in glutamine absorption."
also Z, I would not be here in this manner (spamming you guys lol)
unless I new,and we new (mod testers, and members)
that it worked
got to be honest though you have to blend it, and you have to mix it with a flvored protein drink, or at least a banana and milk
but if you take it 2-3 times day you will have no choice but to feel that its working
take care