The problem with glutamine is that people use consevative doses like 5g a day, like they would use creatine. To notice any improvement, You need to take 20-40g of glutamine a day. Unfortunetaly, this can get very expensive, so if you are a smaller guy <200 lbs and can afford to take 10-15g daily, forget about it.
If you are a large person, than you will need at least 20 g.
"each scoop of whey protein has about 4 grams of glutamine. I see little reason to take it by itself? glutamine is an awesome amino no doubt and is worth supplementing but for the
price, not for me. All essestial amino acids must be present for protein synthesis to occur, glutamine is NOT an essential amino (your body makes it) but taking glutamine at a time of
deficiet can be very beneficial (post workout)"
Glutamine in its free form is different than the one found in food.
It's been proven that your body can't produce enough glutamine to overcome the stress of training, Valdez.