Well, I thought I'd post up an update....since I have been actively lifting weights, and most importantly, watching my macros and eating as clean as I possibly can, I have been seeing some real changes. And the really fun part is.....so have some of my peers who haven't seen me in a couple of months! I have recently switched my focus from building to cutting, and watching my carbs and eating lots more proteins.....and I can't believe it, but the fat is actually coming off, and I have some nice muscles starting to show! I love wearing strapless anythings now, because I love my arms/shoulders.....and for the first time in my life, I am really starting to like my legs! I have probably lost about 5 lbs from when I started this whole serious training business - and it is all fat, since I have also put on a bit of muscle since I started, as well!
I am soooo excited! It just makes me want to be even more strict with my diet/training and step it up even more! I also have some of my guy friends asking me workout/diet tips now.....that, to me, is a huge compliment!

Thanks to everyone on here who has helped me out with my macros and workout tips.....I know that some of that input was very much a part of the results I am seeing!
I will update again in a while.....in the meantime - thanks again!!