New member
bigtravis said:pm me and i wil give you a good source for that product. do not go there anymore. anyone that will send you e.o. in shit like that is not good. i dont give 2 shits who they turn out to be. send them to me if they dont like it. i'll tell them myself. im in a bad mood anyway.
Just my 2 cents, but ...... I bought there before & loved the stuff.....
and everyhting we talk about on here is something SOMEONE (A LOT OF PEOPLE, actually) out there says we should NEVER EVER EVER USE!!!!...
I'm no "Pro" - but I've gotten bottles like that myself from one of the "Research Supply" places... it was empty & sterile..... it didn't make the stuff I mixed anymore dangerous!
Hey look at the Bright side... at least if your old lady tries to poison you, it won't even hurt

I don't see why anyone would be that upset about something that was explained easily... if the buyer is happy, & others have been also, why slam them over what kind of container they package oil in when I think we are ALL SMART ENOUGH to STERILE FILTER EVERYTHING, Before we ever think of injecting, RIGHT?
I was just tickled shitless to find the stuff in small quantities, reasonable & DOMESTIC.