M macrophage69alpha New member Apr 7, 2006 #24 stimulates production of the enzymes that metabolize proteins (it will improve your digestion and should decrease the "gas" issue associated with high protein intake) 1 500mg cap (1% or less extract) per meal should be fine
stimulates production of the enzymes that metabolize proteins (it will improve your digestion and should decrease the "gas" issue associated with high protein intake) 1 500mg cap (1% or less extract) per meal should be fine
R racoon_city Guest Apr 7, 2006 #26 i lost my scooper, how many table spoons would = one serving of ISO AGB ?? i been doing 5 heaping spoonfulls
i lost my scooper, how many table spoons would = one serving of ISO AGB ?? i been doing 5 heaping spoonfulls
Ulter Chairman Member Chairman Member Apr 7, 2006 #27 That's funny. I just lost mine too. Maybe they grow legs sitting in the protein. I found that a heaping, very heaping, tblsp is one scoop.
That's funny. I just lost mine too. Maybe they grow legs sitting in the protein. I found that a heaping, very heaping, tblsp is one scoop.
M macrophage69alpha New member Apr 7, 2006 #28 5 level teaspoons is a little less than a 2 scoop serving (level tablspoon =15-18cc apprx) its hard to know what a heaping table spoon actually converts to.
5 level teaspoons is a little less than a 2 scoop serving (level tablspoon =15-18cc apprx) its hard to know what a heaping table spoon actually converts to.
M macrophage69alpha New member Apr 10, 2006 #30 the scoop is 40cc, you can probably find a measuring spoon that similar size. Most protein powders come with a 40cc or 70cc scoop
the scoop is 40cc, you can probably find a measuring spoon that similar size. Most protein powders come with a 40cc or 70cc scoop