my second cycle ever, was the winny, which i finished on 7th august. i did 50cc (injections) every third day for 6 weeks, tapering up to every other day for weeks 3 and 4. i used novaldex for 3 weeks after the cycle, so i didnt get the eostrogen levels kickin in and making me gain fat/lose muscle. and did a 2 week on 2 week off clenbuterol to cut the fat from week 5. couldnt actually do the 2 weeks back on after the 2 week break as i got cramps in my legs which stopped as soon as i stoped taking the clen. shame really, cos it totally cuts u up!
drawbacks- very mild acne appeared in week5 on shoulders and back, slight loss of higher end of voice range (i cant scream as high) minor clit growth. gains: finally keeping my bodywieght above 11st (154lbs), incline bench: 80lbs dumbells easily, decline smith machine 198lbs easy, squat 242lbs, deadlift 220lbs. improved ease of orgasm, ab definition, size retainined and still progressively getting stronger.
i'm 26, weigh 160lbs, 5'5', 40" chest (under breast), 30" waist, 15" arms. havent measured my bodyfat as it kinda just keeps to my stomach. farily boyish to start with, so AAS hasnt really decreased my female attributes.
always been naturally strong, but the growth kinda reached its limit last year, so i looked to the juice. did oral dbol in january, didnt do much apart from making me more aggro, high libido (week3) and gave me spots. gained a bit of strength and size which i lost almost instantly when i stopped dbol.
summary: winny - definetly looking at doing it again, but gonna make sure i got the acne cream on the go towards the end of the cycle. mines gone with OTC treatment, but would have been better starting to do it a bit sooner.
hope thats informative